Beetroot Juice: A Natural Boost for Health and Performance

Beetroot juice has emerged as a fascinating player in the world of lifestyle medicine, offering a remarkable array of benefits that have been backed by science. This humble root vegetable, when juiced, transforms into a potent elixir that can positively impact everything from cardiovascular health to athletic performance. Blood Pressure Management One of the most […]

The Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature: Insights from a Lifestyle Doctor

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, so many of us are guilty of losing touch with the outside world. We spend hours indoors, hunched over screens, barely giving ourselves a chance to connect with nature and all of the benefits it offers. As an anesthesiologist and lifestyle doctor, I see the consequences of this disconnect every […]

The Importance of Adopting a Growth Mindset

Your mindset is the combination of beliefs, opinions, and thoughts that you’ve formed about yourself and the world around you. Your mindset is learned and shaped over a lifetime by your education, religion, upbringing, and experiences. Your mindset can both limit and liberate your perspective. While you most likely didn’t choose your mindset in the […]

Embracing Adversity and 4 Simple Steps to Overcome any Challenge

In life, adversity is an inevitable companion on our journey towards growth and success. It comes in various forms, testing our resilience and pushing us out of our comfort zones. While adversity may seem daunting at first, it also presents us with valuable opportunities for learning and self-discovery. To me, adversity is a powerful teacher […]

How to Eat for Better Performance

The role of nutrition in regulating inflammation is becoming a more and more mainstream topic. The inflammatory process can be good or bad depending on why it starts and the duration of the effect. When your body is exposed to something foreign like pollen, a thorn or a virus, it initiates a cascade of inflammatory […]